Nearest Petrol Station to me

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Nearest Petrol Station to me
Melbourne and surrounds

Nearest Petrol Station to me displays the ten nearest petrol stations to your current location. All brands will display by default, you can select your favourite brand of fuel. For fuel prices visit Petrol Prices Melbourne. Nearest Petrol Station to me covers Melbourne and the surrounding area. If you're travelling to Sydney or NSW, try Closest Petrol Station.


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Nearest Petrol Station

When driving there is often a need to top up the petrol and find the nearest petrol station. Often people have a preferred brand of service station either through habit, or they may be participating in the brands loyalty program. Other people simply select the most convenient nearest petrol station. The Nearest Petrol Station to me web app let you easily see the nearest ten petrol stations either for any brand, or the brand you prefer.

The Nearest Petrol Station to me map shows your current location as the white marker. Each petrol station is marked with the marker with a symbol which makes it easy to recognise the brand.

To get to the nearest petrol station you can either zoom in on the map so the map is easier to read, or you can press on the petrol station marker or the directions... link in the list of petrol stations.

The list of petrol stations shown in Nearest Petrol Station to me is order according to the distance from your current location as the crow flies, that is, a direct path between yourself and the petrol station. The actual distance is usually further.

Distance and Cost

The distance and cost estimate is the distance to travel to the petrol station in a direct line or as they say, as the crow flies. This distance underestimates the actual distance because the route is almost never a straight line. However it does give a good approximation to start with.

The cost uses the straight line distance for a return trip and also uses fuel usage of 8L/100km and a petrol price of $1.80 per litre to estimate the cost of the trip to pick up petrol.


The Nearest Petrol Station to me web app comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Nearest Petrol Station to me web app is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free or accurate. The information on the Nearest Petrol Station to me page is not intended to be advice.


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